Associations > New Zealand

New Zealand Esports Federation (NZESF)

The New Zealand Esports Federation is the solely recognized national sporting organization for esports in New Zealand. Established to promote and represent esports in New Zealand to increase its level of awareness, improve standards and inspire future talent. The federation was set up with the aim to lead and support kiwis to positively shape the future of esports as the recognized voice of Esports in New Zealand.

44 Wellesley St W
Auckland, North Island 1010
New Zealand


Social Media:

Conor English
Duane Mutu
Vice President
Jonathan Jansen
Chief Executive Officer
Tweets (Powered By Twitter)
RT @kurtprodgers: Global fixed broadband speeds increased by 28% last year. New Zealand's increased by 40%.… https:…
RT @IeSF_Master: #WEC23 is the place to be! 🏆 Join us for the 15th edition of the World Esports Championships in Iasi at the end of August…
@Grit_Da_Great @ArahSensei We tried really hard to get a Tekken national event in 2022, but stars didn't align. Sto……