Minnesota Lottery News

4 Jun 2014
Minnesota's Gov. Mary Dayton vetoed the lawful gambling bill that would have prohibited certain online lottery ticket sales.
30 May 2014
Gov. Mark Dayton has a tough night ahead of him, deciding on whether to sign legislation that will end online scratch ticket sales.
16 May 2014
A legislative committee voted to ban scratch tickets at gas stations and online.
11 Jan 2014
The Minnesota State Lottery plans to expand into online sales.
16 Jul 2007
News Brief: Advertising for the Minnesota State Lottery incorrectly implies that the biggest benefactor is the state's natural resources, a citizens group charged last week.
26 Aug 2005
Funded by the Minnesota State Lottery, ‘thank you’ plantings creatively show Minnesotans where a large portion of the Lottery's contributions to the state are directed -- the environment and natural resources.
29 Jun 2005
The Minnesota State Lottery launches a major Powerball campaign to remind people that winning several million dollars is nothing to breezily disregard.
20 Jun 2005
News Brief: Seeking to lift profits, the newly appointed Minnesota Lottery chief, Clint Harris, looks beyond instant scratch games and online games.
26 Nov 2004
Minnesota's new lottery director said the state will need to introduce a new lottery product if the lottery hopes to meet its revenue goals.
5 Oct 2004
The Minnesota Indian Gaming Association has blasted Governor Pawlenty for deliberately inflating tribal gaming revenue estimates in order to justify his efforts to force tribes into revenue-sharing agreements.